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The paintings presented on this site are the culmination of years of taking photographs in daily life and when traveling. Annapolis Md, Chincoteague Va and the farms and barns of Anne Arundel County are the main focus of the works. I made a promise to myself years ago to paint from these photographs and during the Summer of 2021 I began to work on this present collection of paintings.


My main inspiration is the clash of light and shadow, color and form, the simple basics of any good artwork. I work to balance abstraction and representation, the paintings simple in means and application. Shadows and power lines separate and slice up the picture plane and the colors ring out because that's what I see, the landscape is never drab to my eyes, it is always glowing.  


I am constantly beginning new paintings as I have an endless supply of inspiration to work from. It's hard to find the time to get to them all as I am not a full-time painter (for now), these are a few of the images I have selected so far.


For purchase inquiries, please email me at









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